Exam entry web form

  • Web Technology

    Search engines
    Client server and peer to peer

  • What is a Web Form and how does it work

    Web Forms are a way of giving websites the capability to collect and obtain information from a user if they wish to enclose it. This is done in the form of input methods and data selection mehtods. Some examples of these are: textboxes, check boxes, radio buttons and combo boxes (drop down menu). The information that is inputted by the user can be mainly used in two ways. The first way is it can be submitted into a databases like what hospitals use and the second way is that the information can be used in part of a search query for example a search engine. When a web form is made with the HTML language it will allow information to be inputted but nothing can be done with this information without using the language javascript. When javascript is added to Web Form it will be able to add behaviours to the web page, this is how Web Form can be validated or even submitted to a database of some kind. In the HTML code of a Web Form simple basic functionalities can be performed. For example a reset function can be used to reset all the Web Form inputs to wither null or a preset default option and the submit function will send data to a form handler which would be indentified in the action attribute of the form tag.


    Javascript is a script language that includes similar programming constructs that are seen to be used in languages like python and visual basics. One of the main uses of the programmig language Javascript is to include some sort of interactivity to webpages. One thing to remember about Javascript is that it is interpreted instead of compiled. The difference between a interpreter and a compiler is that a interpreter checks the error of the program statement by statement whereas a compiler searches all the errors of a program and lists them. If the program is error free then it converts the code of program into machine code and then the program can be executed by separate commands. One of the good things about using Javascript to process inputted data on a client's computer is that the local computer can validate the data before being sent, busy servers are relieved from processing everything itself and the langauge can intercat with HTML elements to be able to edit the style or even move them.
    At the top of this webpage there is a Web Form that is created from HTML and validated by javacript.